Post Office: Invest your money in this scheme of Post Office! You will play in lakhs

Post Office: Today we are going to tell you about such a scheme. In which if you invest, then you get such a strong return on maturity that you cannot even imagine.

The name of the scheme we are talking about is Post Office FD Scheme. On investing in this scheme, you are provided with great interest

Whenever it comes to saving money, you must invest in Post Office Fixed Deposit Scheme once.

For your information, let us tell you that Post Office FD Scheme is also known as Time Deposit Scheme. On investing in this scheme, investors are provided with annual interest at the rate of 7.50 percent.

The specialty of Post Office Fixed Deposit Scheme is that if you invest money in it, then you get tax exemption under Section 80C of Income Tax.

If you want to get more information related to this scheme of Post Office, then all the information has been explained in detail through this article.

Minor child can also open an account

Any person in India can open an account in this scheme of the post office. Whether he is young or old. But the good thing about this scheme is that even a minor child can open an account in this scheme.

This means that the government is giving every person a chance to make a fixed deposit in this scheme. But remember that only the guardian or parents can open the account of a minor child.

This much money will be received on depositing 1 lakh

Suppose if a person deposits 1 lakh rupees in the fixed deposit scheme of the post office for 5 years, then he will get 44 thousand 995 rupees at the rate of 7.50 percent and on maturity he will get 1 lakh 44 thousand 995 rupees.

How much will you get on depositing 2 lakh

If you deposit 2 lakh rupees in the fixed deposit scheme for five years, then you will get 89 thousand 990 rupees as interest at the rate of 7.50 percent. Whereas the entire amount on maturity will be Rs 2 lakh 89 thousand.

If you deposit Rs 2 lakh in a fixed deposit scheme for five years, then you will get Rs 89 thousand 990 as interest at the rate of 7.50 percent. Whereas the entire amount on maturity will be Rs 2 lakh 89 thousand. You will get this much on depositing Rs 3 lakh For example, if you deposit Rs 3 lakh in this scheme for 5 years, then you will be given money at the rate of 7.50 percent. So you will get the entire amount of Rs 1 lakh 34 thousand 984 as interest and the entire amount on maturity will be Rs 4 lakh 34 thousand 984.

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